Thursday, June 13, 2024

New Jersey Simple Assault Lawyer - Adam M. Lustberg - BSPE Legal Marketing Podcast

From Lustberg Law Offices, LLC - In this episode, we delve into the complexities surrounding the charges of simple assault in New Jersey. Adam M. Lustberg, a top-rated New Jersey Simple Assault Lawyer, shares insights on the legal distinctions between simple and aggravated assault, and the significant impact these charges can have on one's life. We'll explore how simple assault, as defined by N.J.S.A. § 2C:12-1a(1), can encompass a range of actions, from causing bodily injury to attempting to put someone in fear of imminent serious harm. Listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the legal nuances of simple assault, including the potential penalties such as fines and jail time, even for disorderly persons offenses. We discuss the critical role of Municipal Court in handling these cases and how a skilled attorney can navigate the intricacies of the legal system to defend your rights effectively. Adam M. Lustberg explains how simple acts, like a slap or a threat, can lead to severe legal consequences under New Jersey law.We also address how simple assault charges can intersect with issues of domestic violence, potentially resulting in restraining orders handled by the New Jersey Family Court. This episode provides valuable information on the additional penalties that can arise in such scenarios, including the loss of a weapons license and the threat of criminal contempt charges for violating restraining orders. Learn how legal defenses such as self-defense and mutual consent can play a crucial role in these cases.Finally, we highlight the importance of seeking legal assistance from experienced professionals at Lustberg Law Offices. Adam M. Lustberg and his team are dedicated to providing robust legal representation, aiming to reduce or dismiss charges wherever possible. Tune in to understand how the right legal strategy from a New Jersey Simple Assault Lawyer can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case and protect your future from the lasting effects of a conviction.Lustberg Law Offices, LLCOne University Plaza Dr Suite 210, Hackensack, NJ 07601, United States(201) 880-5311

from Straffi & Straffi Attorneys at Law

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